if nothings impossible
My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you.
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Sunday, January 10, 2010 @ 2:52 AM
fucking piss off :@
today, i didnt do much, slept alot, comped alot, until i got ready and fam went bbq, pretty boring same shit, there was liek a guy my age but i didnt talk to him too busy lookign after my sister == i got pissed so asked to get home, and we drove past karen tu's house ( fam friend ) and they were up for dinner, the dad was liek , lookin good today kelly. and im liek tq. and then we got shown around and got home, so then yeah all good, happy mood cleaning up , then went on net, then next thing yknow mark pops up ( the brother ) and his like , dotn wear makeup to my house no more . and im like why, it was only light eyeliner not foundation wtf man, and his like my rents full bitching about you, sayign shit ( not gna mention ) and im liek tell me mroe about it, and his like no, dws. fucking pissoff, PIECE OF SHIT, TWO FACED HOES! CALLED ME PRETTY THEN FUCKIGN TURN AROUND SAYING THAT IM LIKE A SLUT, FUCKING HOES WANT ME TO EGG UR HOUSE, I FUCKIGN CHANGED NOT INNOCENT NO MORE AIGHT, I DO WHAT I WANT AND U CANT FUKCING STOP ME . and " warning " my ass, what can they fuckign do ?! FUCKIGN JSUT COS U KNOW A BIT A ENGLISH, BS KUNTS. IM NOT SCARED OF U ALRITE YFUCKS ?! AND YOU HAVE A SHIT HOUSE THERE WITH A UFCKIGN HOLE IN THE GROUND, STIL HAVENT COMMPLAINED ABOUT THAT AIGHT MATE, SO DONT SAY SHIT ABOUT ME, OR WHEN I SEE U AGAIN ILL FUCKIGN GO AGRO AND PUNCH UR FACE :@ have a nice day.