if nothings impossible
My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you, my empty arms reach out for you.
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Thursday, January 21, 2010 @ 3:55 PM
and i keep runnin back
havent blogged for liek 2 weeks already, alright lets skip to the main points :D. i had my birthday, made a little party with my close friends, planted grape trees, etc. i went to summerbreak, i wasnt in the mood that day, sat around watching people around me dance, :(. uhm .. i was forced to dance T_T and walked allllllll the way home frm ffld showground, and i only went cos of canneys bday :). aaand, ya. uhm, i all nightered on the fone.. i was invited to luna, but didnt go.. and it got cancelled, i went livo yesterday .. with vivi, watched a movie - toothfairy with kien and box . and lately, i've been feeling down, confused with everything, from the things he told me to the people who told me about them .. idk man, just fuck this cos im stuck in between a bad situation :(, so.. idk, i can give up, but it needs time.. cos if fallen into this hole :( , idk .. he's fuckn around with me i guess, so . fuck you i dont really need you in my life, i can find someone fuckign better, or id live alone without you ==. grrrrrrr, you piss me off , cos when i need you your there but you keep tearing me in pieces, i know you wont read this but ya, im actin fineee.. but i aint :(, xoxo have a nice day .
Sunday, January 10, 2010 @ 2:52 AM
fucking piss off :@
today, i didnt do much, slept alot, comped alot, until i got ready and fam went bbq, pretty boring same shit, there was liek a guy my age but i didnt talk to him too busy lookign after my sister == i got pissed so asked to get home, and we drove past karen tu's house ( fam friend ) and they were up for dinner, the dad was liek , lookin good today kelly. and im liek tq. and then we got shown around and got home, so then yeah all good, happy mood cleaning up , then went on net, then next thing yknow mark pops up ( the brother ) and his like , dotn wear makeup to my house no more . and im like why, it was only light eyeliner not foundation wtf man, and his like my rents full bitching about you, sayign shit ( not gna mention ) and im liek tell me mroe about it, and his like no, dws. fucking pissoff, PIECE OF SHIT, TWO FACED HOES! CALLED ME PRETTY THEN FUCKIGN TURN AROUND SAYING THAT IM LIKE A SLUT, FUCKING HOES WANT ME TO EGG UR HOUSE, I FUCKIGN CHANGED NOT INNOCENT NO MORE AIGHT, I DO WHAT I WANT AND U CANT FUKCING STOP ME . and " warning " my ass, what can they fuckign do ?! FUCKIGN JSUT COS U KNOW A BIT A ENGLISH, BS KUNTS. IM NOT SCARED OF U ALRITE YFUCKS ?! AND YOU HAVE A SHIT HOUSE THERE WITH A UFCKIGN HOLE IN THE GROUND, STIL HAVENT COMMPLAINED ABOUT THAT AIGHT MATE, SO DONT SAY SHIT ABOUT ME, OR WHEN I SEE U AGAIN ILL FUCKIGN GO AGRO AND PUNCH UR FACE :@ have a nice day.
Thursday, January 7, 2010 @ 11:41 PM
pocky pocky pocky.
here i am, sitting here eating pocky while writing this blog,
wellllll today i was planning to go lisa's, well, she told me at late notice,
we were suppose to go there at 1. becos of kathleen, but then, i didnt know how to get there,
her house is so fucking complicated --. anyways, i managed to get there ( thankyoudad) though, it took 20 minutes to find her street, farout. and then i couldnt find the doorbell... stupid me, so i called out " lisa. " anyways, we were computering, and talking to kathleen waiting for her dad, also talking to johnie, canney, etc cant rmbr, well then she came, and we zoomed off to livo, and it was so hot. far, wait before that we wanted to watch a movie, so we went to thomas's room, and he seemed nicer then what he was on the phone, + his room was soooo cold (y). okay, anyway, we walked to wfields. and we watched alvin and the chipmunks, it was so fucking cute, esp theodore ( note i cant spell ) , and yeah when it finished, we went to buy kfc. and we walked back to lisa's, so hot and long walk, lalal whatever. then when we got there, we were computering again, and i wanted to play with her dawgies, but nooooo :@. hm, and then we went to ask thomas for movies on msn :|, exchange for lisa's soggy chips ? LOL, so he just went outside and took it, and made us come back in to get movies, but during the process, i had to go home far : ( , and and then we went canley heights ( me and my mom ) and and i saw this hot guy :$. and and there was this dude who kept staring at me in the chemist --., and a dude he was on his scooter ? he rode the other way , cos i was walking towards there, but i turned, so he turned back, wtf ? luckily i walked into my car. now im home eating pocky and drinking coke, yayer. anywyas, have a nice day.
@ 4:07 PM
im kellynguyen, got a problem ?
far, people just don't get it, don't know me don't judge me, say shit get hit --.
anyways, hm, the parra trip was a fail :(, and a mission,
we went for 6 hours + and didn't find the right dress, :(, lvbag got a one-piece short shirt thing, lisalogs got the high waist skirt and belt, and i got this dress, but fml its too long, eh, and when we got back, we couldn't decide cos both sides will be in trouble, fark. but we ended up at my house and my mommy drove lisa's home, oh and Anita, she went on another bus and we taxied it to my house. we drove Lisa home and i asked for a doughnut, my mum said no argh ;@ LOL! and and, when we dropped lisa off, her brother was in boxers.. outside with another girl.. get the image ? LOL! and then the day past, me and lisa were phoning till idk, 4amish ? it was boring convo, we were getting sleepy and scared of the paranormal things around us, and then.... HELLO, I KNOW LARRY alalala, her brother popped up screaming for most of our phoning time, and kinda woke me up, then he left, wonder if he was listening to the previous convo :$. and i feel asleep, the previous days are boring, but I'm planning to go Lisa's / Joannes soon.
have a nice day,
Tuesday, January 5, 2010 @ 3:08 AM
love's a battlefield,
i've deleted all my blog posts, cos they didnt look the same and were fugly,
the end, and too bad if you didnt get to read them, hah.
anywho; its 9 days till my birthday, hip hip hooray!
and then 3 days after that is canney's, summerbreak, cant wait :)
im even getting a dress for that event, not mine, farr bestf (L)!
anyways, tmrw i will be going livo / parra.
with lisalog, lvbag, & ineedalog. (lisa,lisa,anita).
to get me and lisa a dress for summerbreak.
gotta look our best to go boy hunting yknow, ;)
& we might even find one on the way to getting our dress.
new years, christmas, all gone away, so has 2009 :)
now let the 2010 moments begin!